qnap ransomware
qnap ransomware


對抗勒索軟體| 用快照防禦加密勒索軟體威脅


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AgeLocker Ransomware

Answer: Please follow the security advisory to the letter. You will have to also re-initialize the NAS once you are comfortable with any backup of the data.

Malware Remover | NAS 資安防護,掃瞄及清除惡意軟體

Malware Remover 可定時掃描您的NAS、檢查並下載最新惡意軟體定義檔,並在受攻擊時即時排除受感染檔案,提升NAS 資安防護。

QNAP adds NAS ransomware protection to latest QTS version

QNAP has added a Security Center with ransomware protection capabilities to the latest version of its QTS operating system for network-attached storage (NAS) ...

QNAP NAS Users Targeted with Ransomware Again

QNAP NAS users have been targeted by a flurry of ransomware attacks in the past two years, prompting the vendor to issue several such advisories, urgent patches ...

Will QNAP NAS ever be safe from ransome ware attacks?

Will QNAP NAS ever be safe from ransome ware attacks? Or at least to a point where it's not expected, just for using the NAS to share files over the Internet.

對抗勒索軟體| 用快照防禦加密勒索軟體威脅

QNAP NAS 支援分離於檔案系統外的快照功能,是幫助您對抗加密勒索軟體、保護重要資料的利器及理想的備份中心。

針對Qlocker 勒索病毒的說明

Qlocker 在攻擊後會留下勒索訊息及付款資訊,並移除自身的惡意程式碼,增加我們追溯的難度。 基於上述特性,我們在接獲使用者通報攻擊事件後,第一時間便於QNAP NAS 的惡意軟體 ...


有可能復原被加密的檔案嗎? · 如果是Qlocker 勒索軟體加密了您的檔案, 您可以試著在QNAP NAS 上手動安裝QRescue 以復原被Qlocker 加密的檔案。 · 如果是其他非Qlocker 勒索 ...


適用產品: Malware Remover Security 我怎麼知道我的NAS系統被勒索軟體攻擊? 當您發現下列情況,勒索軟體可能已經攻擊了您的NAS系統: 當您發現檔案無法開啟。


Answer:Pleasefollowthesecurityadvisorytotheletter.Youwillhavetoalsore-initializetheNASonceyouarecomfortablewithanybackupofthedata.,MalwareRemover可定時掃描您的NAS、檢查並下載最新惡意軟體定義檔,並在受攻擊時即時排除受感染檔案,提升NAS資安防護。,QNAPhasaddedaSecurityCenterwithransomwareprotectioncapabilitiestothelatestversionofitsQTSoperatingsystemfornetwork-attachedstorage(NAS) ...,QNAPNASusers...